Case Study: Transforming AACSB Analytics Team from Dependency to Innovation through Empowering Apprenticeships

Who is AACSB?

AACSB International (AACSB) is a global nonprofit association that connects educators, students, and business to achieve a common goal: to create the next generation of great leaders. In addition to providing certifications and a community of professionals, AACSB also provides benchmarking insights for their customers so that they can make informed salary and continuous improvement decisions.

What We Heard?

  • Vendor Dependency:

    • The team was shackled to a vendor charging exorbitant fees for BI capabilities, including dashboard creation, new visualizations, and data integration.

    • The vendor's lack of comprehension of the business context often resulted in deliverables that met specifications but missed the mark in meeting the team's true needs.

  • Cost and Time Restrictions:

    • The vendor's $200 per hour consultation fee became a significant barrier, restricting the team's ability to thoroughly address and clarify complex problems in a timely manner.

What We Did & What the Outcomes Were?

  • Cost Savings:

    • Komodo's solution focused on empowering the AACSB analytics team to become self-sufficient. By implementing an innovative apprenticeship program, we facilitated a shift from dependence on external vendors to an internal problem-solving approach.

    • The team could now work on BI challenges themselves, eliminating the need for hefty vendor payments.

  • Speed of Resolution:

    • With the apprenticeship program, the AACSB analytics team experienced a remarkable boost in efficiency. Instead of waiting for a vendor for a month, they could now resolve problems in a single day.

    • The accelerated problem-solving timeline ensured not only prompt solutions but also ideal outcomes aligned with the team's business objectives.

  • Changing Employee Responsibilities:

    • The apprenticeship program transformed the dynamics of the AACSB analytics team. Team members transitioned from managing external vendors to actively participating in problem-solving.

    • Employees were empowered to apply their business knowledge directly to the problem-solving process, leading to more contextual and effective solutions.


Komodo Technology's tailored apprenticeship program not only addressed the immediate challenges faced by the AACSB analytics team but also provided a sustainable solution for ongoing success. By fostering a culture of self-sufficiency, cost-effectiveness, and skill development, the apprenticeship program exemplifies Komodo's commitment to empowering clients to harness the full potential of their teams and technology. As a result, the AACSB analytics team is now not just solving problems but driving innovation and efficiency in their data analytics endeavors.


Developing Entrepreneurial Leaders


Case Study: Nonprofit organization AACSB international launches its first data product Analytics Hub and reaches 50% of its target user base within one month of launch