Why Choose Komodo? Part 1: Diagnosis

With data tools and dev shops everywhere, we know you have choices when you are looking to get more value out of your data. With all the options out there, why go with Komodo?

Komodo has a unique approach to solving problems with data. Our approach affects how we staff our team, what tools we use, and the strategic direction of our company. It also allows us to be faster and offer significantly more value to our customers than agencies who focus solely on writing great code or building custom reports for specific software products.

Komodo is set apart because we spend as much effort understanding and diagnosing your problem as we do solving it. Too many companies jump quickly to a solution--usually the solution they know best and specialize in--without thinking about the root cause of a problem. This leaves companies with solutions that work in the short term, but aren’t adaptable to companies’ rapidly changing needs, and require people to work around software instead of having software work for people.

In this blog post, we want to break down how Komodo diagnoses a data problem, and how we provide truly customized solutions that level up our clients’ ability to work with data.

Data problems can manifest themselves in many ways. Maybe you can’t see certain types of data that you feel are important to the business. Maybe two departments are calculating the same metric and getting different results. Maybe your employees are spending an inordinate amount of time trying to extract data from software every week.

All of these are symptoms that can be caused by different types of data issues. While you can treat the symptom directly, it may be more effective to find out the root cause and stop not only the current problem, but also stem future problems and create opportunities for growth.

Komodo uses multiple diagnostic tools to identify root causes and what solution is appropriate, but a major one we use is the diagram below. This helps give us the big picture of where you are trying to take your company and allows us to select the appropriate team and tools to solve the problem.


To place your problem along the vertical axis, we must first answer this question:

Do you want to:

A) IMPROVE something you ALREADY DO,


B) Do something NEW that your company has NEVER DONE BEFORE?

To place your problem along the horizontal axis, we have to answer this question:

Do you need:

A) A concrete solution, such a custom report,


B) A conceptual solution, such as a data strategy?

Once we are able to answer these questions, we can place the problem in the proper quadrant and identify and staff the correct solution.

In the next part of the series we will dive into each quadrant and how we apply our different and diverse skills to create a customized data solution.


Why Choose Komodo? Part 2: Synthesis and Solution Design


Digital Security Transformation: From Vulnerable to Secure in 4 Months